Wednesday, April 25, 2007
jus to lo let u all know that im still alive here lol
haha kk
quite sometime nvr post ready zzz
Its already the 2nd week of school!
i think im getting used to it
hehe quite fun and enjoyable here
the facilities is all good!
today after school we went for the SAS tea meeting thingy
there all the SAS student were given a briefing of some sort
tat part was a little boring haha
after that i went for floorball try outs i think 0_o or wadeva it is call
long time never play floorball..
forget all the skills and stuff
shall end it here
Hellow @Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
phew.. the past few days in rp was quite tiring..
and to make it worst its only the first week~ omg haha
PBL[problem based learning] is sure is strange haha
everyday we had to do presentations
the facilitators assign us our groups and we have to work together
everyday is the same thing. groupwork and presentations..
but overall can say its "quite" ok and fun haha
some say its quite slacking in RP
we have many breaks and meetings
its like the time flew so fast haha
kk then end here for now
till then
Hellow @Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Saturday, April 14, 2007
As usual i will jus summarise it
Phew the past few days were dam tiring and i mean TIRING
there was the 2nd and 3rd day of oreintation
the last day were the most tiring haha
2nd day was mostly games and trying to get to know ur team
i was in team 11!woo~
there were almost 20+ teams haha
so many
the leader thought us some cheers and dance
at first was quite boring
but as time pass by it gets more fun ^^
the food was ok lar lol
we had other games such as amazing race.
must run all around campus.
omg dam tiring seh
RP SO big sia..
finally we went home around 6 i think
the last day was the most fun
in the morning i had breakfast wif sister jl and mich and emmanuel.
after that we went RP
we follow emmanuel go agora hall first cause he wan configure his laptop lol
we were 1hour late lol!
we reach there at 9.30 suppose to be 8.30
then the breif awhile
afterhtat we went play games!
got 12 stations! but only manages complete 7 or 8 >.<
i was dam wet!. had to go in the swimming pool haha
i skip to the main event haha.
all the skools went to the field to haf their presentations.
i must say all of them were good! haha
we had some music played and all!
blah blah blah
after all of tat we went back to our "base" haha
kk below are jus some pics


Hellow @Saturday, April 14, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
today was the orentation 1st day..
had hard time waking up.. so sleepy hehe
woke up at 7..
met up with my fren at 8 then we walk th RP
wanted to take the bus but.. so dam full zzz
once there we go our seperate ways lol. my class was quite far zzz w45m
i was the 3rd person to reach the class lol.
i was like.. waa am i so early >.<
then after all of the others arrive.
at first everyone was quiet but as time goes by our class get noisier every minute.
. i make it short =D.. so tired to type hehe
basically the 1st day was ok except the part that we had to carry our laptop hehe so dam heavy
aitez end here...
Hellow @Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Waa seh! today very very very the tired..
was suppose to made a wake up call for sister -.-.. sadly jus end up msging her hahaha! sry sry lol
me and my frens [sheraton 3!] went to east coast!
meet emmanuel and karren at 10
wee wee[leonard] was supposed to meet us as well but he was still sleeping at home zzz
we took train to bedok there
in train we met guo yan. theresuddenly talk about emo dots
then walk all the way to east coast.
that part was already tiring lol
when reach there we weere dam blur
donknow where to go
so we jus went mc donald first to eat
then finnaly we know where out other frens were
they were so far from us
we had to walk around 30min b4 reaching them
summore the weather so hot..
after we reach there we jus talk talk haf fun
some of us acting emo lol including me
funny lar -.-
and i was almost thrown into the sea hehe..lucky lucky
after that we went cycling for 1hr+
now its already around 5
we decided go parkway parade to haf dinner
so we went......
there we go food court
then we eat......
after eating jus went window shopping
see here see there see like nobody business lolz
then as usual sister go a little high lol
she everytime high at night wan don know y lol
keep on laughing lol..
haha so funny~
then lastly we go arcade
play some games
saw mich and jl play the dance dance thingy lol
haha ok lar they were quite good lol
later me, jabez,mich and emmanuel play daytona[don know how spell] lolz..
i barely won 1st place lol
all so close haha
nice game guys
kk lar stop here -.-
wan sleep hehe
till next time
Hellow @Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007
woo day 2 was even better!!
get to know my frens even better!
they rock my world!

woke up at 7 then had breakfast
sadly T_T. breakfast was rather dissapointing lol
and again we had some games.
play this waterbomb game. every1 was wet.
at least our team won lol due to "some things" we did
since this will take long
i jus skip it to the gala night!
i think of all the gala night was the best
all of the team had to perform something lol
our team got 2nd ... -.-
better then last i guess haha
kk hmm the food that night was delicioussss
i pity our team ldrs jonathan and serena
they had to serve us all the food hehe =D
i make it short -.-..
really cant think of anything to rite
after that gala night.
instead of sleeping our team played some games heh
we also told each other ghost stories
also take some pictures.
i slept around 4am zzz -.-
Hellow @Saturday, April 07, 2007
wooo came back from camp yesterday!
the camp was for those who took science course in Republic poly ^^
at first thought will be boring
but it turn out to be quite fun
i wont be writing all the details zzz or else it will be writing an essay wahaha.
meet lots of new frens! any i mean LOTS
first day is mostly trying to know the people around u
play some of this "naming" game.
head can BOOM!
must rmbr my team members name ^^
can say quite fun lar lol
argg to much to write >.<
we then go to the fields and play some game
after all the games we had dinner and some night walk thingy. lol dam scary -.-
all shout like nobody business.
after that had some supper.
then we go to bed
tats jus about all in the first day.
stop here awhile lol
Hellow @Saturday, April 07, 2007
WOOOOOOoooo I Am back ~~
Hellow @Saturday, April 07, 2007