Sunday, September 30, 2007
Kit, Adam, Mamat.. Rafiq?!
As u can see, im trying very hard to smile lol..
Arghh my eyes!. Sry kit cannot see ur face =p
Stranded dinosaur >.>
Alrite, so for today..
In the morning had to go for religious class. Been quite sometime since i last went =(. Luckily! I am able to cope most of the things that they thought.
After class, straight away met mamat then we went to vivo to meet up with Kit and Adam. Hung kit want to buy this Special Chocolate for a special someone.. hurhur. Romantic seh wahaha. Maybe in time to come i'll do something similar for this someone.. hmmm.. oops! getting off topic.
kk, So off we went to find chocolate. Finally came up to this store, cant remember what is the name haha. The chocolate cost around $53! wooo.. i can faint. Kit insist on buying haha. Afterthat we just walk around vivo, its not like we go hear often. Around 4+, we headed to geylang. I cant believe I'm actually at geylang again. One of the things i hate about this place is.. Its dam HOT. Can really fry an egg over there. Mamat want to buy a songkok (A thing that malay man wear on their head). He wanted a brown colour but to bad cant find. At last we didnt buy anything. What a waste of time! lol. Hmm actually nah, not a total waste of time. At least get to kill time :).
Afterthat, off to yishun. Plan to breakfast over there. So yeah, we did break fast over there. I ate the chicken rice.. Its like the only thing i eat when at northpoint food court is chicken rice haha. Don't know why thought.
Aitez.. so that pretty much of it. Till next time.
Hellow @Sunday, September 30, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Sister, Another sister and AkmalDon want to put my picture =)
Like beggar seh sit like that..
Alritez, so today went to geylang with my family
Loonggg time since i last went there. Frankly saying, i don't like going there.
But once in awhile dosen't hurt i guess.
Left house around 4+.
Once we reach there, we faster go and book a place to eat!.
Book at a restaurant called "Arnold" 0-O. To me the name like weird.. but who cares.
Afterthat we just walk walk Saw some of my secondary schoolmates. Actually we came here to shop for our clothes for Hari Raya.
As usual we choose a bad timing. The place so the crowded. Want to walk also difficult.
By the time around 6.45+. We get ready to break our fast. =).
Then we continue so called shopping.
Almost whole family got to buy their clothes including me.
My father don't wan to buy >.>. dont know why.
We went out of the shopping centre, forget what is it called =p.
Outside got like an auctioning place.
Auction for carpets >.>...
Since my mother really want it.. we end up buying.
At home don't know how many carpets we have already.
But the carpet is really nice. worth it i guess..
so.. thats about it.
lazy want to go into details =)
till then
Hellow @Sunday, September 23, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Aitez, so today is the second day of semester.Everything seem to be going well haha.I get to know more of my classmates today.Besides this, i think i have found my new hobby, which is helping people to click their laptops when they are presenting. haha sounds lame?, but to me its actually quite fun.Today we had Enterprise module. Personally, i think that today's problem was manageable. Nothing much to research about. This enterprise facilitatot reminds me of my semester 1 faci haha. Look alike, but this one look younger >.>. No offense or anything arh, i respect the elderly =) haha. Today we finished off early, exactly at 4. However i wanted it to end late =) cause i have floorball at 5. If not, i don't know what to do for another 1 hour.So at 5 went to floorball. Practise some shots before the coach Mr Amir arrive. BUT, things don't go as plan sometimes do they?. I wanted to do a shot but suddenly heard like crack sound somewhere around my left shoulder. Waa! dam pain lar seh. The coach came and i tried forcing myself to train for awhile until i could not take it, i stop. I could not even pass the floorball properly =(. So i just sit on the bench and waited until 7+ so the muslim guys can go and break fast =). Afterthat i just went home while the other continue trianing..Hmmm ok then. Till here!
Hellow @Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Alritez!So today of the 1st day of school for the semester. Could say that I was quite excitedAnd my class is the one and only E36P.. I don't know how i get shiftedto E3.. Its like so far from my previous class haha.Get to meet my new classmatesThey are all fun haha, hope to get to know them better in times to come.Today we did a new module "Culture and Aesthetics". Can say that it wasquite fun. However, it requires so much thinking haha. I HATE thinking =).The lesson end around 4,30 and i straight away went home.The best part of the day is that.. i finally saw this special someone. hehe.. My heart was like jumping with joy!. Since the holiday start , its been 3 weeks.I did not see her.. eventhough saw her once in school during holiday but its only for awhile :l. I know 3 weeks dosent seem long for some of you but to me, it was dam long. Truly i was so happy! =)
Hellow @Monday, September 17, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Weird faces.. 2 crazy little sisters
My family!
What's with her and stupid faces?!
BanG ! .. how come u're still smiling?
Phew, today is the 3rd day of fasting!. 27 days more to Hari Raya =). hmmm
As usual today woke up quite late, around 12?. Cant really remember. Just slack until around 5.
At 6 went out. Went to my mother's friend the wedding >.>. Took so long to get ready. Luckily it was easy to get the taxi =). Nevertheless, we break fast in the taxi lol. Sorry arh uncle if your taxi is dirty =p. Just had some small things and drink.
Hungry like crazy!.
The wedding is at serangoon. Reach there around 7+. Basically we just stayed there for like 2hours. My favourite part is of course the FOOD. What is a wedding without the food =p. Personally, the food was nice keke. I did'nt know that indian wedding is so much different from any malay wedding.
Afterthat all that, my family plan to go orchard but sadly we did not :(. Straight away went home. So basically thats all
Thats all!. Till here
Hellow @Saturday, September 15, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
The camp was basically 5 days, Monday to Friday
I went home on wednesday due to fasting =)
I will just briefly type some things that happen during the camp.
Cant really remember all the details. STM!.
-- 1st Day --
Wake up early in the morning. Just like normal school days i guess.
Must reach school at 8.30.
Bags and all dam heavy seh.
Once over there, get changed and had some run. As expected =P
Run for like few hours. Had Lunch around 1 - 2 pm. Then rest. Wait for food to be digested i guess =). I would'nt want to see my eaten food again.
Then , we played floorball all the way until around 7.
After that played, "Dodgeball".. Using floorball.
Personally, it was fun. Can aim any part of the body lol. Including the head.
After all that, had shower and dinner.
Through out the whole camp, all the food were NICE! =).
We supposed to sleep at E3, but due to some stuff.. got to sleep at agora hall. I thought its going to be very warm. Dam i was wrong haha.
At night was shivering like crazy. The flooring.. no comment.
So basically thats about it for the 1st day.
-- 2nd Day --
Wake up at 6.30!.
Got to start training at 7..
Of course i was still sleepy arh.
So just endure with it. Faster had shower and change.
Start off with more running. Feel like i was sleep walking lol. Still half asleep.
Then, had another game, so called rugby. Again, we use floorball. Its still fun, but i prefer "Dodgeball".
I thought today was going to be very tough but it turn out to be not.
Today was almost same as yesterday but more tiring. We played more floorball and also had floorball training.
So i just skip to nighttime.
Today got difficulty in sleeping, everyone making so much noise.
People going around playing with toothpaste =), don't want to mention who uh haha.
Finally slept around 2.
-- 3rd Day --
Was suppose to wake up the same time but everyone woke up at 8.30..
Of all the days, i feel that today was the most tiring ones.
Had to do ALOT of running.
By day three, i cant even feel my leg.
To sum up, today run around 9km or more. Sounds little but its actually not -.-..
Today we also did NAPFA.
You know, all those 6 stations and all, Sit-up, Sit and Reach, Pull up, Shuttle run, Standing broad jump (Worst station) and 2,4Km run.
All of this finish by 6.30+.
After that went to briefing room and had a little floorball talk =).
Soon we had our Dinner.
I went home around 8.30.
-- End of Camp --
Still got a lot more to type but just to tired and lazy =)
So till here..
Hellow @Friday, September 14, 2007
Sunday, September 09, 2007
(Person who tagged you) : Rasyidah aka roar roar lol(My relationship with her) : A crazy fren!, in a good way of course haha(5 impression you have on him/her): Stoner, happy go lucky, weird, crazy, kind(The most memorable thing she/he has done for you): hmmm, laugh at me when im in some kind of trouble? haha(The most memorable words she has said to you): Hello >.>(If she/he becomes your lover,you will): omg?! lol, wont happen dont worry!(If he/she becomes your enemy,you will): She's a person who dont have time making enemies(If he/she becomes your enemy the reason will be): The world is going nuts!? haha(The desirable thing you want do for him/her now is): Irritate her more, make her stress lol(Your overall impression of him/her is): Fun to be with(Characteristics you love about urself): Nothing at the moment :((Characteristics you hate about urself): Irritating (The most ideal person you want to be is): Me :)(For people who care and likes you, say something to them): You all rock! Lucky to have them! haha(Pass this quiz to 10 ppl that you wish to know how they feel bout you)Random order.. For fun lol1) Rasyiqim2) Wei ling3) Syafiq4) Noppol5) Nadia6) Syafiqah7) Jonathan8) Serena9) Iman10) Salizah(Who is No.6 having relationship with?): Err i don know..(Is No.9 a male or female): Male duh(If No.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?): Oh nono!, they don even know each other(What is No. 2 studying?): Medical Science?(When was the last time you chatted with No. 3): Quite sometime(What type of music does No.8 likes?): Sadly, i don't know :((Does No.1 has any siblings): Yessa, sure have!(Will you woo No.3?): wdh?! NO! im not gay :)(Is No.4 single?): YESS(Whats the surname of No. 5): err NO surname?(Whats the hobby of No. 4): Blogging i suppose(Do No.5 and 9 get along well?): Err, don know :l(Where is No.2 studying?): Republic Polytechnic!(Say something casual about No.1): Gile haha(Have you tried developing feelings for No.8?): waa nonono!(Where does No.9 lives?): Yishun(What colour does No.4 like): Sry noppol, i don know haha(Are No.1 and 5 best friends?): Ermm nop, frens maybe?(Does No.7 likes No.2?): lol!. nono, he's not available (How you get to know No.2?): SAS camp!(Does No.1 has any pets): Yessa!, a lot of them(Is No.7 the sexiest person in the world?): uhhh... no comment :)
Hellow @Sunday, September 09, 2007
Sunday, September 02, 2007
wanted to pose yesterday but was to tired haha :)-Yesterday-As well all know, yesterday was teacher's day.I and some of my classmates went back to our secondary school.. Northland Secondary..Never thought I would be back there again hahaWe waited in the canteen for our other classmates which have not arriveWhile waiting we just talk and talk :), looks like everybody is doing well i guess.Good for them!After all of us were there, of course, went to meet the teachers hahaCould say that, it was fun seeing them again haha, especially Mr TaufiqNot to say fun lar but surprising.. sheesh the first thing he said to me, "What happen to your english?!"I was like, "uhhh.." He still remember i get D7 for eng haha! And again, we just chatted.Stayed there for few hours and we call say our goodbyes.I'm sure we will meet again, sooner or later haha-Today-Soo, for today.Hmmm ntg much.Just that, my family went to our relative house for a so called gathering :)Other then that, nothing much happensWhat a boring life im having eh? heheAitez, i'll end here for now
Hellow @Sunday, September 02, 2007