Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Today marks the day that I finally have my first "F" for this semester. Eventhough have not receive the grade but I'm sure it will be "F".What you expect for leaving in the first break?. Anyway today was cognitive. It was a last minute thing. More then half the class plan to leave during the first break. To be exact, it end edup 18 person leaving the class including me!. Only 4 or 5 person is left in the class.We all plan on going to causeway. So.. we went. First we went to Long John Silver to have our breakfast. Most of us were dam hungry. I can hear my stomach shouting for food!. We talk talk and talk and some of the girls were laughing so loud that my ear can burst! not naming any haha.After breakfast we went to check out what movie are available. Lastly we end up not watching any. Not much movie i guess. Besides, some of them had already watch some of the movie. Instead we just went to the arcade. We spend quite sometime overthere. All were just caught up in the games i guess hahaFinally, we went to starbuck to just hangout and chill. Some read books, some play with their laptop and some play with cards. For me, I play with the cards. We played taiti ..( fyi I don't know how to spell it -.-" / So if its wrong, paiseh arh.) I can just play it for the whole day without getting bored. I think I am getting better at it but still not that good. At least was still able to win some :)..Now for a random thing.Told shahl i going to put this. Hope she dosen't see this or I will be dead wahaha!
Just die kayy quoted by Shahl
Let's go wad quoted by Imran
Just die kayy + Let's go wad = Just die wad
May sound lame but if u all know it in detail.. It is very funny :). To me at least
I'll end it here for now Till then..
Hellow @Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Hmm its seems like i have a pattern when updating.. hahaits like i update before the weekends. Actually no lar, i just update when i feel like it.Friday.. 2nd week of school is gone. Man.. time really really flies dont they?So, we had just finish UT 2 and wdh UT3 is just next thusday. Goodness, UT is really killing me! haha but i guess its better then those 1hr+ examinations. So its either this or that :).And floorball. I don't know how worst can the physical training get. Im already dead tired this week haha. Don't know how long i will last. Personally, can say that the physical training is fun apart from the torturing :).So now, i really want to talk about this girl hmm.. yes yes u know who u r haha.. 5 adjective to describe herS - SweetH - HappyI - Innocent L - LovelyA - AdorableThere it is!.. hehe. You may not think this is true but IT IS!.Its already past midnight and I'm still not sleepy.What to do !I guess i'll end it here for now
Hellow @Friday, November 23, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Have not been updating, simply cause there's nothing to talk about.Its just the same old thing, schools, UTs and floorball.Except for the fact I and Haikal went for a job interview in orchard. Other then that, there nothing :). About the interview. 1 word to describe what I felt, NERVOUS. Maybe because its my first time having a job interview. Other jobs that i had worked before don't need and interview. But this job needed. The job its just working at Kinokuniya, incase some of you don know, it is a book store. Don't know why I applying to work there eventhough books and me don't get along.Unfortunately, i think I'm not going to get the job haha. I screw the interview BIG time. The question they ask are just.. unexpected.Ok now, lets talk about stupid and random things..Anyone know how to make a rose out of tissue paper?..I did is HORRIBLE haha
Can guess which is mine?
Mine is in the middle!.. as you can see the petal, it doesnt even look like it.
You all may wonder why with the random things.
Maybe this picture could express why I'm feeling like now.
Like a wilting flower, weak, tired and blah blah blah
People say that a guy knows when to give up when he has loss.
For some reason I just feel like that.. haizz.
Not going to eleborate or anything.. some things are not meant to be heard >.>.. I will just keep it to myself
Hellow @Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Woke up early in the morning. 8am. OK not that early i guess but its just like normal school days where i woke up at 8 also. Today we having floorbal friendly match with the NUS team at NUS. Met with firdauz and ozaliz at causeway to have breakfast of course. Who on earth can train or run a lot in an empty stomach.After breakfast and all. We went to meet the rest of the team at clementi. Some of them were late and they just suggested to meet them at NUS straight away. So we took the bus at clementi and went to NUS. Frankly saying i only been to NUS twice I think. Those were during the secdondary school days. With today, it makes the 3rd time. Surprisingly, non and i mean non of us know where to alight >.>.. and yeh.. we ask for directions. Seriously.. dam paiseh lar.Once there, our team warmed up first and soon the match begin. The NUS team almost double us in terms of numbers. Besides therem most of them were big and tall haha. Not all of our team members turn up though. At first we were losing. Then surprisingly we caught up and won 6 -5.Now that the match is done. Now is time for the floorball BBQ!. Took the train and head all the way to pasir ris to our faci house Wilson. Goodness, his house is a bungalow, a dam big one haha. The inside of his house is just as nice as the outside of it. We put our bags and belonging at his house and went to our BBQ pit. The view was GREAT. It could just relaxes ones mind. We had a hard time starting the fire but as time goes on, we manage and the party started. Hot dogs, chicken and even fish ball were going around. Everyone had plenty to eat :).I left that at 8.30, since my house is rather far.. >.> and I am tired. Reach home at around 10.30. So yeh.. it takes 2 hrs! so long .. At home, the usual stuff i guess..So yeh till here
Hellow @Sunday, November 11, 2007
Friday, November 09, 2007
Alrite..holidays.. hmm. Its only 1 week and 4 days have pass. Time really really flies. So how is my holiday going?. Apart from emotionally unstable. I guess the holiday aint that bad.2 days went out and 2 days stayed at home. The days that i went out.. tuesday and thursday and of course monday and wednesday stayed at home.For tuesday.. had barbeque with the sheraton people. Its been quite long since i last saw them that i have to admit. On the way, sadly i got loss haha.. take 2hr+ just to get to east coast park. Pathetic I reached around 6 and then some of us decided to play captain's ball (which i cant remember). The results?. Its either you get thrash or you owned. The best excuse of the day "Not fair, your team a lot of tall people". haha. That i cant deny.Around 7 we started our barbeque. There were 2 leonard so it was rather confusing. Anyway one of them volunteer to be the "chef". And of course we were greatful. We also helped around a little of course, not just sitting ducks. Some of the food were hotdogs, chicken .etc. My favourite is still the marsmallow :).. Afther we were shown some magic tricks by leonard. Seriously speaking, i am impress. I cant believe it myself haha. But the magic was only using poker cards. Nevertheless I am still impress. I left there around 9.. So that's it about BBQ.Today. Went out with some of my classmates. Kenny, Derrick and Nadia. Jason was suppose to join but he had last minute things to attend to. So yeh, there were only 4 of us. Met at City hall Mrt station first, after that we went around whole of marina square just to look for the stupid ATM machine WHICH we NVR find haha. Went to eat at food court first. After eating we walk around. I planned to look for some shirts. So they accompany go shop to shop. Finally i just buy 1 miserable shirt :l. Better then nothing i guess. Then we were out of ideas. No clue where to go , No clue what to do. Basically we just walked again haha. So thats about what i could think off about today's outing.Now back to the emotionally unstable part. I guess i can say that I am still "hurt" and confuse. I just cant get that incident out of my head T.T. I just feel like apologizing to her every single day. How i really care for her.. haiz..I just end it here for now..Till then
Hellow @Friday, November 09, 2007
Monday, November 05, 2007
Don't know why but i always have the habit to write after midnite.. luckily tomoro is holiday or i think i would not be able to wake up.. Now is already 2 in the morning. Sleeping soon i guess.. Hope the holiday goes wellI just cant sleep with so many things in my mind. So got to let it out somehow.. Haiz.. really got so many things to say to this special someone.. but i guess now i dont got a chance to even say anything.. I am just angry at myself for being so unappreciative.. How i wish time can be rewind.. and things will be undone.. that will be soo great.. How i could make it up to her..But i guess all this squabling wont change a thing.. All i need now i just a chance to do things right..Alrite then.. im running out of words. I end it here for nowTill then..
Hellow @Monday, November 05, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Warning: You will see me ramming about sad stuff.. you can choose not to see or see..Today..i just could not find the words to describe it.. I feel that my heart has just been ripped off from its rightful place, pieces of glasses poking my heart. The words said by her just kept playing in my mind. I felt like I was talking to someone else, she appears to be different. I am the only one to blame i guess.. I should'nt have said things without thinking carefully. I just can't believe i said that. I just cant stop regretting it. How foolish am I. Failed to know what she was feeling, failed to know her sacrifices..Haiz..I dont even know what to feel right now. Everything is ruined.. Can't even let out how I feel. It seems I would not even be able to give this poem i wrote for her.. The only thing i do is just by saying Sorry.. pathetic of me..I just stop here for now..
Hellow @Thursday, November 01, 2007