Friday, January 25, 2008
Actually wanted to blog yesterday but was tooooo tired. Don't know why was so tired. KK but nvm. Janji dah blog good ready!So yesterday. Had Science module. I seriously thought it would by BIO but it turn out to by PHYSICS. I was like "walaoo weii!". We also had UT on that day. At the end of the day.. A LOT LEFT. In other words CABUT, RUN AWAY, PONTENG. Including me too!Went off during 2nd break. Me, kenny and Chee San went Causeway to catch a movie. We watch "The mist".Seriously, it was a weird show. Apart from the gruesome scenes and killing, the ending was ridiculously weird!. Overall it was a "OK" movie for me.Afterthat, went back to school to meet rash and her some of her friends.Before that,GRATS RASH FOR PASSING YOUR ENG!Now you can teach me english ready! ;)She's the one who took the paper but don't know why i also excited. hahaBut sry i cant be there when you check ur results!. Really wasted!. I was busy strapping myself to the chair watching "The Mist" haha.I'll end here for now!I'm getting a little bit sleepy suddenly
Hellow @Friday, January 25, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008

Alrite time for another post.So today went for the so called science field trip to the BIOPOLIS.Met with rash first then on the way met up with weiling and the others and then join up by Syaz and Khai. Quite a big group i guess.When we reached there, the first thing for us is a talk. and guess what?..MORE POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS. school everyday powerpoints, now even at field trips. Its like RP student have the word "powerpoint" label on our foreheads.okok so lets proceed. After the talk, they provide lunch for us. Its something like a buffet. Now this part ticks me off. Everyone all rush to the buffet table. And just like around 1 min, the food was gone?!. As if a TORNADO just pay us a visit. they did'nt even que up for the food. This shows how singaporeans are soo kiasu..Afterthat they had lab tours. So we just basically went to few labs to just see see. and of course they explain what are the machine use for. etcSo lastly we end up to this room. (Shown in the picture above where got a man posing). Got few machines. The purpose is to store bacterias and stuff. And it is very cold. Some of it is around -200! degress. The guy say if u put ur hand inside, ur hand could just get frozen.. and the next thing u know.. u are missing one hand! GORY! wahahahaha.From there we head home ourself since its only a one way trip bus.-The end-*terasa hangat oh di dalam hati*
Hellow @Saturday, January 19, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
been quite long since i have update.
REALLY and i mean REALLY cant think of ANYTHING to write. See how i emphasize on those capital words :). OR maybe im just pure lazy. Either way it dosen't matter cause im here now!.
So where should we start?
kk i guess Im starting with today's happening.
Its already the second week of school!. Today im having cognitive module!. P.S my hated module this semester. Shall not elaborate why. I go bongkus just thinking about it. Apart from that, the rest of the day was fine i guess.
I Signed up for the FOP(freshman orientation programme) for SAS.
today had the interview after school.
I guess the interview went fine then expected. Luckily it was in a group. if its individual.. i dare not say what would the outcome become.
Apart from that,Courtesy of syaz, he say i was eye washing?!. Not literaly washing the eyes but you all shud know -.-. Those who don't know good for you all. So my answer to it: walao syaz i was just looking around the room cause there is so many interesting and weird objects lying around :P.Really its true!
On the other hand. today i was so called threaten for just a ppt. From of course , the evil rash. jkjk haha. Since that DEY dnash never told u the story clearly, here it goes.
Me dnash and syameer was waiting for 858. So we just sat down and wait. For me i was happily eating the yummy onion rings. we all talk talk a bit. Then suddenly this group of girls just walk pass behind us. Then we just happen to look at the other side and caught 1 of them looking at us. Then that dey just have to comment on how stupid i was at that moment with me eating onion rings and my mouth wide open as if wanting a fly to go in -.-. I was just stun ok! :) tats all!.
Rash! u owe me!
till next time
Hellow @Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Finally my first entry for the new year.Been rather quite busy and tired this few days so thats why never update or anything.The past few days basically went out with some of my classmates. Eventhough most could not make it, it was rather fun. Had some BBQ and more of daidee :). Would not elaborate much. We also went out to marina square to have dinner and just CHILL. Roughly thats what i did the past few days.So today, finally school reopens after 3 weeks of holiday. Thought the first faci i would see was Roy but surprisingly it was'nt 0_o. Unfortunately i forgotten the faci's name. STM katekan :). Had culture module today. All that i can say is that its about RESPECT. So If you want to be respected, better respect others. After school met up with some of my friends and just played games. Nothing much today. So yeh..I'll end here for now
Hellow @Tuesday, January 08, 2008