Monday, March 31, 2008
Here are just some of the pictures. Still theres a LOT more i have not gotten. I don't know when i will get them but for now this will do.
As i said before. The camp was tons of fun!.However Some of the comittee were quite upset including me due to some reasons :(. But hey!, at least the camp was a success.
So i would like to take this oppurtunity to thanks the committee members!, facilitators, leaders/helpers and campers!. Without them there is no camp!. :)

what on earth he doing? sleeping or??

uhh muke relax haha

Here is when the campers were required to do 50 push ups haha

errr i don't know what was i doing..

I swear the weather was so hot!

Hellow @Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
This is just a headline to give some suspense to you guys :). I aint elaborating much on this now. Maybe when i gotten some pics then i continue on this.
In the meantime. Just get curious =p and let the suspense build up!.
As some of you guys may know. Its just a 2 days 1 night camp. At first i was quite bump about it. Its quite a short camp. But during the camp, i thought that it was fun for just a 2 days 1 night camp. It would be better if it was 3 days though.
Most of the freshmens were hyper and had alot of energy which made the camp a successful one. Their performance were fabulous!. Awesome!. Best!.
So guys just stick around if you wanna know more. till then!
Hellow @Saturday, March 29, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Oh oh.. not been posting or updating!. I will try to update more regular. (Hopefully)
Seriosuly i am so dead lazy this few days.
As the above statement states, yes I am HUNGRY! heh
Anyway, cant wait for the SAS camp which will be next week.
To add on there will be dry run on monday. I can predict a busy week coming right up. cool cool..
Been sometime since i'll be very busy :).
k till here guys, girls, gays, les,transexual, aliens
Hellow @Saturday, March 22, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
woah! 1 week+ never post.inconsistency (correct spelling or not?) =p.its not that there are nothing to post about but its just I am lazy! Past few days were tiring.Don't really know why. Hmm maybe keep on waking up early!.Went to help out for the matriculation day.So call to promote to SAS camp :).Shockingly quite alot sign up!. best best.Really looking forward to the camp.Its soo late and I'm still not asleep.Cant sleep i guess. Insomnia?!Now im just staring at the TV watching mtv -.-.Anyway! Tomoro is 17!. 17 17!haha kk enough with the 17.Incase some of you are wondering.Its someone's birthday!. But don't think can tell who is it or she will maybe kill me?Not even my b'day but I'm just excited lol!ok ok.Now i must try to force myself to sleepbb
Hellow @Sunday, March 16, 2008
Friday, March 07, 2008
Soo bored.I just like sleeping late!. Its becoming a habit already
Don't how is it going to be when school reopen. Ok so lets put that aside for now.
Lets see..
True Love
Zhen qing xiang ai
Cinta Sejati

Hmm.. to me i think it is something natural!
what does it mean by natural?
I don't know! :)
As a lot have said. Its what in the inside that matters not the outer.
so.. i guess this explains a lot.
Comparing the recent me and when I am during secondary school. I prefer those days during sec school!. More carefree!. I don't think about all this things. Not much problems and all. arhh.. I miss those days.
But! when you start falling in love or whatever it is. the feeling?!
cannot be describe! You can't deny it.
Its like you are dancing in mid air. haha
I'm restraining myself from being mushy mushy so yeh :)
However.. sometimes i still don't understand..
blah kk nvm
i'll end here for now incase it get even "emo"
Hellow @Friday, March 07, 2008
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Arghh I'm half asleep probably because today has to wake up soo dam early in the morning. Come to think of it actually is not that early, woke up at 9.30.
Compare to the time that i usually wake up during holiday, 9.30 is consider very early
Had to meet up with the SAS organising comittee at bugis at 11!. Can say i was rushing.
With my eyes barely open, my mind half awake, my legs danggling like spagethi and my arms like tentacle i crawl out of the bed and into the showers.
After shower! everything was fresh. This goes to say that showering have mysterious power.. kk lame >.>.
I reached bugis around 11.10. So wasnt that late. The thing is, we end up going to suntec city!. Meet at bugis just to go back to suntec city. At least it was'nt a long walk.
Off to carrefour to get all the things needed for the camp.
When that is done, we went burgerking to have our lunch. Seriously i was dam hungry at this point of time. Some of us went off though.
Our next destination was marina square. Here is where all the fun start.
First was bowling. Quite for sometime never bowl >.>. Can feel that my fingers could drop of anytime! haha.
So next was pool. At least pool i still have my touch eventhough not good though!. So just wasked it anyhow. At least the ball go in good enuf for me

The guy in the middle is "sleep-smiling"

Barney and friends modern time >.<
Hellow @Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Monday, March 03, 2008
So how should i say this..
a hair growing formula would be handy now!
lets just say i had a bad hair day!.
don't want to elaborate more!. if not more heart pains haha.
whose curious just ask me :).
So just now, I just went cleaning up my laptop.
To me its getting rather quite slow. So i just went searching for stuff to delete.
There are so many things in my laptop that i don't even know that it exist!
also stumble upon weird pictures.

This picture i have no comment
What does the facial expression tells you?
Duh look?
Even i don't know

Here! is my favourite niece!
the cheeks very the tembam!
I forget that i even have the picture of this -.-
its like wanted to post this so long ago
this shows the STM-ness
Alrite then i end here for now
till then
Hellow @Monday, March 03, 2008
Saturday, March 01, 2008
1st of march! another new month!.cant believe how fast is time!Its like yesterday is new year and before you know it you already 1 year older.interesting interesting :)Somehow i forsee that march is going to be a busy as well as a fun monthhopefully eh.Today, yet another boring saturday!.i woke up extra late again. 2+!.omg.if this keep going, i can kiss being punctual for school goodbye! hahawent to causeway for dinner with my family.seriously they have to expand banquet!. i think its true that people say i got a lot of comments. Tend to comment even the slightest boring thing haha.Afterthat just walk around causeway. I tried finding some shirts but sadly non :(. causeway is not a place of shopping instead causeway its just another place to waste time! :).Currently, i think im improving my art and craft skills! by making things. The things shall remain unknown! ;).alrite guys i'll end here
Hellow @Saturday, March 01, 2008