Muhammad Rafiq Bin Ramlan
Officially 18
Republic Poly ; DBIO
RP Noobish Floorballer
Eating is my forte & profession ; msn/fs :D
♪Chiu Yen
♪Huda Hoodie
♪Jian Ming
♪Jing Yu
♪Joel Smelly
♪Maya Kaya
♪Nurul Nabilah Bte Rahmat
♪Nadia E36P
♪Sha *Cuz*
♪Su Chen
♪Syafiqah *sister*
♪Syahirah *sister*
This song never fails to get me! wooo!. Just feel like sharing it :) so yeh.
Its so late in the morning and I'm still not asleep!.
Yesterday was just a so call briefing but today was LAB. The best part was no facilitators to guide us means we can do anything. This can be seen as good and bad depends on the situation. Good as in more freedom bad is when there are things we don't know there will be no people to ask. However there are some assistants in the lab so i guess its okay
We went WILD in the lab. Playing with everything. Running here and there of course not literally running that will be plain stupid.